Born in Italy in 1987, after studying and graduating from the Faculty of Medicine of the State University of Milan, he is now a Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS). He lives in Milan, Italy.
Passionate about 20th century history, over the years he has developed a great interest in military history and the study, protection and conservation of artifacts from the two world wars.
Within the framework of the Great War, he has focused his interest on the anti-gas protections of the German and Austro-Hungarian imperial armies and the Royal Italian Army. He is also a member of the Italian War History Museum in Rovereto.
Marco Pisani is the author of the following historic publications:
WW1 history:
- Rossi E., Pisani M., Brambilla A., Osio A., "Gas Warfare in the First World War: Anti-Gas Protection and Gas Masks in the Armies of the German Empire, Austria-Hungary and Italy", Verlag Militaria Vienna, 2021 (available in English, German and Italian languages).
The book, published after many years of study and archival research, analyses in depth for the first time the still obscure and unknown world of WW1 anti gas protections, making it a reference for collectors and a basis for further research.
- Pisani M., Brambilla A., "Chemical War and gas masks from its origin until First World War", Annali Museo Storico Italiano della Guerra di Rovereto (M.S.I.G.) n.28.2020
WW2 history:
Pisani M., Tagliazucchi E., Prekatsounakis Y., “Unternehmen Merkur: the battle for Crete in the Heraklion sector”, Fronti di Guerra n.77, Ritterkreuz Publishing, Sept.-Oct. 2021