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NSDAP "Blutorden" Dokumentengruppe Hans Steiner

NSDAP "Blutorden" Dokumentengruppe Hans Steiner

LOS 21-0554
Auktion beendet        12. March 2017   |  15:54

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Los 21-0554
EAN 2000000138770
Los 21-0554
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EAN 2000000138770
Land Deutschland
Los 21-0554
EAN 2000000138770

NSDAP "Blutorden" Dokumentengruppe Hans Steiner

A very interesting grouping to the Austrian NSDAP member, holder of the NSDAP "Blood Order" and recipient of the Golden NSDAP Party Badge Johann/Hans Steiner. NSDAP number: 82.822. He had joined SA Sturm "Steyr" in March 1931 as an SA-Sturmführer and served as an NSDAP Ortsgruppenleiter. In total, he was imprisoned for 1 year, 2 months and 22 days in the years 1933 until 1937 as he stated in his "Blood Order" application form. 
The grouping also involves his son who was imprisoned for his SS membership in Austria prior 1938. You can see him in the photos part of this grouping. He was tortured as his father states and suffered from persecution mania after being released. He died six years after being released.

Hans Steiner lobbied hard for his son to also receive the NSDAP "Blood Order". He must have been extremely persistent and aggressive in this regards as a letter from the Gauleiter of Oberdonau August Eigruber can testify. Eigruber states that he found it hard to ignore Steiner's eruptions and eventually decided to reply to his letter. He states that it is impossible to award the Blood Order to his son since he was not imprisoned for at least one year.
Part of the grouping is the rare "Blood Order" application form. An 8 page yellow form "Antragschein zum Erwerb des Blutordens" which provide all the  information on his political service time you can imagine. Steiner filled it out by hand and signed it on 29.10.1938.
A letter of the Gauschatzmeister confirms the arrival of the "Antrag zur Verleihung des Blutordens" on 4.11.1938.
There is a 4 page letter sent from Steiner to Adolf Hitler in April 1939. It is about a lawsuit by "Verlag Franz Eher Nachf." again him. Franz Eher did not want to deliver books to him anymore as he had his own bookshop. He mentioned that he is an "Alter Kämfer" and holder of the "Blood Order" and is a candidate for the NSDAP membership badge in gold.  
There are two letters from the "Kanzlei des Führers der NSDAP":One confirming the arrival of his letter from Mai 1939, one with the actual reply from July 1939. This one is signed by the Reichsamtsleiter. He refuses to help in this matter and explains that the situation was his own fault and asks Steiner not to contact him again on this matter. Once again, Steiner’s behavior seems to have been extremely annoying: "... sind Sie jedoch nicht eingegangen, sondern haben lediglich mit Beschimpfungen geantwortet".
Steiner replies on 10.7.1939 that he won't accept the decision of the "Kanzlei des Führers der NSDAP".
On 1. September 1939 a letter sent from "Der Reichsschatzmeister der NSDAP" arrived stating that "der Führer" has awarded the NSDAP "Blood Order" to him on 31.8.1939. He states that certificates, medal and ribbon will be posted to him shortly. The document has an original ink signature of Reichsschatzmeister Franz Xaver Schwarz.
A 16.10.1939 dated letter sent from the Gauschatzmeister of Gauleitung Oberdonau invites Steiner to the "Blood Order" award ceremony on 21.10.1939. There is an ink note by Steiner at the bottom stating that he replied he cannot attend since he is busy on his lawsuit against Franz Eher Verlag.
Steiner does not seem to have been given the "Blood Order" until 1940. A 22.3.1940 dated letter sent from "Kanlzei des Gauleister Sotialstelle" states that the Gauleiter can't see him personally and he will receive a new invitation for the next awarding ceremony in April 1940.
A letter sent from "Sachbearbeiter für Ehrenzeichen und Blutorden" arrives asking him to fill out the attached forms and to return them. The forms would have been to help establish a data base of "Blood Order" holders as it says: "Da eine karte für die Ehrenzeichen- und Blutordensträger aufgestellt wird..."
An invitation of the Kreisleiter of Steyr arrives inviting him to an award ceremony of the NSDAP golden Party Badge.
Signed by the Kreisleiter.
A letter from Gauleiter August Eigruber with original ink signature. It is the letter already explained above, stating that it is impossible to award the "Blood Order" to his son.
A letter sent from Steiner to Gauleiter Eigruber replying to the letter from November 1940. Steiner explains that he didn’t reply straight away and had better keep quiet about his opinion of the Gauleiter, because he risks being sent to KZ Mauthausen: "Zuhause ist es doch wärmer als in Mauthausen und daher lasse ich es lieber bei Ihrem Schlussworte". He agrees that his son was only imprisoned for three months but states that he suffered from this time and died as a result of his time in prison.
Four original photographs including two very rare early SS portrait photos. April 1935 and 7.4.34 dated. It could have been Steiner's SS leader.He dedicated them: "Alles für Deutschland" and "Stämme und Länder gibt es nicht. Wir sind Hitler's deutsche SS".
One portrait photo shows an early SS member with black cap. He wears the 1929 Nürnberg Badge. 
Finally, there is a photo of the Steiner family showing Hans Steiner in his NSDAP uniform and two of his sons in SS uniform. One would have been his imprisoned son who died.

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